Wallpaper is currently a very popular method of decoration. Many families use wallpaper to decorate their homes. However, there are some minor problems with the use of wallpaper to decorate walls. For example, the limited period of effectiveness of wallpaper is not very long, and it will be issued every few years. Yellow wrinkles, and even mildew, the second renovation is not a small project, people are very troublesome, so how to extend the life of the wallpaper has become a lot of owners concerned about the matter, and today Xiao Bian will take you to find out , How to extend the life of wallpaper in the decoration process and in the daily life in the future!
First, proper conditions for paving
1. Humidity and temperature: When paving wallpapers, it is necessary to pay attention to the relative humidity in the air below 85, and the temperature should be appropriate. No drastic changes can occur. We must avoid construction during the wet season. At the same time, we must also ensure that Drying of the walls.
2, the wall surface requirements: want a beautiful and durable wallpaper shop, not easy to bubble warping, construction must be properly handled before the wall, it is best before the stickers, a layer of polyester paint painted on the wall Moistureproof mildew.
Second, what should you pay attention to during construction?
1. Clean up in a timely manner: The glue liquid overflowing when pasting the wallpaper should be cleaned with a clean towel at any time, especially the glue marks at the joints should be handled cleanly.
2. Clean construction: The construction personnel are required to keep their hands and tools clean. If they are stained, they should be cleaned with soapy water or detergent.
Home wallpaper, living room, wallpapers, wallpapers, maintenance
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