Location selection for fertilizing fruit trees

When fruit trees are applied to fertilizers, the first thing to know is that the fruit trees are mainly made up of root hairs in the roots. Therefore, spraying new high-fat membrane with fertilizer in the concentrated distribution area of ​​root hair can improve the utilization rate of fertilizer and promote the rapid growth and increase of yield of fruit trees.

If the fruit tree is topdressed with fertilizer, it should be projected on the edge of the canopy or a little further away. Do not be too close to the trunk, because the trunk is thick and the roots and root hair are less, which is not conducive to the absorption of fertilizer.

The fruit tree is topdressed with fertilizer, and the following principles are deeply grasped: fruit trees with deep root distribution should be properly applied, and shallow application; organic fertilizer decomposition is slower, but the fertilizer application period is longer, deep application, fertilizer mobility is large, shallow application For deep-rooted fruit trees such as pear trees, the application of organic fertilizer should be 40-60 cm in depth, and organic fertilizer should be applied to shallow-rooted fruit trees such as plum trees, and the depth should be 30-40 cm. Spraying a new high-fat film after fertilization improves fertilizer efficiency.

If the fruit trees are topdressed with fertilizer, the orchards that are closed or densely planted can be applied shallowly between rows and between plants. It is best not to hurt or damage the roots, so as to fully exert the fertilizer efficiency, improve the utilization rate of fertilizer, and achieve the purpose of increasing production and income.
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