The advantages of wallpaper are many: rich colors, diverse patterns, environmental protection, convenient construction, affordable price, etc., so now home decoration wallpaper is essential, but how many people know how to choose wallpaper, what wallpaper is the best It.
Although there are many types to choose from,
Wallpapers usually produce raw paper from bleached chemical wood pulp and are processed into finished products after various processes such as coating, printing, embossing or surface coating, and cutting. The wallpapers currently on the market can be mainly divided into: pure paper, PVC materials, non-woven fabrics, natural plants and the like.
Pure paper wallpaper is mainly processed from grass, bark and new natural reinforced wood pulp (containing 10% wood fiber). It is characterized by good environmental performance, is not easy to warp and mold, and produces bubbles, no odor, and strong gas permeability. Since the patterns of pure paper wallpaper are mostly made by printing process, the pictures are often realistic and the color tone is clear.
Paper-based rubber surface wallpaper refers to the wallpaper produced by the process of printing, embossing and coating by PVC surface layer and bottom paper. The pattern is realistic, the stereo effect is strong, and the decorative effect is good. It is suitable for interior wall skirts and decoration of living room and corridor. The paper-based rubber surface wallpaper is coated with a layer of inorganic material, which not only has excellent fireproof performance, but also is easy to clean and care. When it is dirty, it can be cleaned by simply wiping with a damp cloth.
Non-woven wallpaper is the most popular new green wallpaper in the world. It is a kind of wallpaper which is made of natural plant fiber such as cotton and linen or synthetic fiber such as polyester or acrylic fiber. Both the mask and the surface of the child's diaper are used). It does not contain any PVC, polyethylene and chlorine. The non-woven wallpaper itself is flexible, not easy to age and break, and has good breathability and moisture resistance. It is not easy to fade after scrubbing, and the color and pattern are bright.
Natural plant wallpaper is made of plant fibers such as hemp, grass, wood, leaves, etc. It is a high-grade decorative material. It has the characteristics of flame retardant, sound absorption, breathability, strong texture and natural beauty. It is suitable for people who want to create a natural atmosphere in the home.
"Wang to ask and cut" to help you buy the heart wallpaper
When consumers choose wallpapers, in addition to considering the decoration style and the matching of furniture, the material of the wallpaper, etc., also pay attention to the following points:
1. Pay attention to the selection of products with high brand awareness. It is relatively safe in material selection, materials, paving and after-sales, and the environmental protection is also better, and the product performance is stable. However, each brand store sells wallpapers of other small factories in addition to the main brand. When the salesperson helps consumers choose wallpapers, it is easy to confuse the brand and make the consumer deceived. Therefore, consumers should pay attention to the brand's trademark, decoration, and manufacturer's name in advance to avoid being fooled.
2. When selecting wallpaper, you should pay attention to whether the pattern has a layering, whether the tone transition is natural, whether the "flower" is accurate, and whether there are problems such as chromatic aberration and bubbles.
3. The anti-fouling performance of wallpaper can not be ignored. You can touch the thickness of the wallpaper by hand and wipe the surface of the wallpaper with a slightly damp rag. If there is discoloration or delamination, the quality is not good.
4. If the wallpaper has irritating odor, it is likely that the volatile substances such as formaldehyde and vinyl chloride are high, so it is best not to buy them.
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