Pesticide formula specializes in watermelon brown spoilage

Watermelon brown spoilage can occur in both seedling and adult stages. In the seedling stage, it is mainly caused by roots and stems, causing root rot. The diseased part was initially water-stained dark green, and then turned dark brown to dark red. The patch surface formed a white tight velvety mycelium layer, which was different from watermelon disease. The disease spreads rapidly, and even a large watermelon will be spoiled in 2 to 3 days, causing serious losses. Timely pesticide control is essential.

Watermelon brown spoilage disease (1) use moisture-resistant varieties.
(2) Applying compost or fully decomposed organic fertilizer, using formula fertilization technology to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer applied. Before the harvest, the land was turned over in time.
(3) Adopting nutrient sputum seedlings, when transplanting, use double suspension agent (watermelon double sputum) 300~350 times liquid to fill the hole, each hole 400~450 ml, lkg per 667m2.
(4) For live broadcast, when sowing and 5~6 true leaves, use the above liquid 600~700 times to water, 1 time every 7~10 days, a total of 2 times, total dosage lkg.
(5) Strengthen management and timely drainage after rain.
(6) Pesticide control, spray 1% of the same amount of Bordeaux mixture, or fungicide mancozeb 600-800 times solution, 50% methyl thiophanate 1000 times solution, 70% chlorothalonil 500-800 times liquid. Once every 10 days, spray a total of 2-3 times. The smoke protection method or the dust method can be used for the shelter protection. When using the smoke method, in the early stage of the disease, 45% of the chlorothalonil smog 200~250g per 667m2 field is placed in the shed 4~5, ignited with a dark fire such as incense or cigarettes, smoking time shed, smoked l night The next morning ventilation, smoked once every 7 days, can be used alone, or alternately with the dust method and spray method. Powder on the early morning of the onset of the spray with a sprayer 5% chlorothalonil dust or 10% more than 100% dust, 10% anti-mold dust. Every 667m21kg, every 9~1l days. When using the spray method, after the discovery of the central diseased plant, 70% ethyl phosphine-manganese-zinc wettable powder 500 times solution or 72.2% Plex aqueous solution 800 times solution, 15% manure water agent 200 times solution, 30% green is selected. 500 times solution of suspending agent, 56% dispersion of micro-particles 800 times by mountains, and areas resistant to the above-mentioned fungicides can be changed to 72% cyan cyanide wettable powder 800 times or 72% DuPont dew wettability. Powder or 72% cream urea manganese zinc (ke anti-linger) wettable powder 800 ~ 900 times liquid, 18% nail cream amine manganese zinc wettable powder 600 times liquid, spray 365 liters of good liquid per 667m2, every 10 days 1 time left and right, continuous prevention 2~3 times. When brown spoilage and powdery mildew are mixed, 72% gram cyanide wettable powder 1000 times solution and 15% triazolone WP 2000 times solution can be used; brown spoilage and anthrax can be mixed with 72% gram cyanide The wettable powder 1000 times liquid plus 50% benomyl WP 1500 times liquid spray can prevent both diseases. The pesticide manufacturer reminds everyone to use 69% Anke Mn-Zn wettable powder or water-dispersible granules in areas where resistance to 72% kelu, gram cyanide, glabrin, manganese Zn (Ke) and 58% Phytophthora. 1000 times solution, 90~100 grams per 667m2. When using copper agents such as green depots and patrons in production, avoid using the medicine in the absence of dry or rainy days to avoid phytotoxicity.

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