Research on Simulation Test of Virtual Probe Pressing Virtual Fabric

Simulation system test experiment, the purpose of this experiment is to verify whether the virtual fabric deformation model is realistic, and whether the force feedback model can provide real-time and stable feedback to the operator. First, draw a square lattice on the XZ plane. The coordinates of the mass point (0,0)P are (12,0,12), and the coordinates of the mass point (24,0)P are (12,0,12), the mass point ( 0,24) The coordinates of P are (12,0,12), the coordinates of the mass point (24,24)P are (12,0,12), which are located at the four vertices of the fabric, and the mass point (12,12)P is the coordinate origin. (0,0,0); Secondly, according to the definition of structural spring, bending spring and shear spring between the lattices, a line connecting three spring structures is constructed as a virtual spring; then, according to the rules, the dot matrix is ​​taken Point to draw a triangle piece; finally, give the fabric model physical characteristics, set the gravity direction to the Y-axis negative direction, the mass point m is 0.01, the spring elasticity coefficient k is 15.0, the damping coefficient damp is 0.9, and the time step is 10ms.

In order to facilitate experimentation and observation, the circumference of the fabric is set to be fixed. Thus, the system draws a virtual fabric with a number of particles of 625 and a number of triangular faces of 1152. By operating the interactive device, the operator controls the virtual probe in the system to press and slide on the virtual fabric surface to observe the fabric deformation and feel the fabric elasticity and surface smoothness.

The simulation test of the virtual probe pressing the virtual fabric controls the virtual probe to vertically press down on the fabric, and stays at a certain position to remain stationary. The contact point is located at the triangular patch (12, 13) M, (13, 13) M, ( 12, 14) M, compare the distance between the contact point and the three vertices of the triangular patch, and the contact point is the shortest distance from the particle (13, 13) P. Select two mass points (13, 12) P, (12, 13) P connected to the mass point (13, 13) P through the structural spring, and two mass points (13, 11) P connected by a bending spring, (12, 13 P, the two coordinate points (12, 14) P, (14, 14) P connected by the shear spring are represented, and the final coordinate positions of the seven mass points are recorded. Taking the force point (13, 13) P as the origin, the Y-axis coordinate component curve is plotted when the final state of each particle is plotted along the positive X-axis direction and the positive Z-axis direction, respectively. By observing the curve, it can be found that the Y-axis coordinate components of the mass points in the X-axis and Z-axis directions are different because the fabric has different degrees of warp and weft, and the degree of bending is also different. Since the coordinate values ​​of the mass points in the X-axis and Z-axis directions do not change significantly, the coordinate component curves of the X-axis and the Z-axis are not drawn.

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