Wannet 2009 spring new product release: V490 multi-purpose milling cutter

V490 multi-purpose milling cutter

Ultra-flexibility - 1 blade body, 3 blade shapes, 4 groove types, 6 different combinations of grades!

On June 1, 2009, Wannet introduced a multi-purpose V490 milling cutter. Depending on the processing needs, you can change between the three squares, the circular and octagonal blade shapes, and the V490 milling cutter diameter and height remain the same, no need to modify the programming, it is very convenient to use. The flexibility of the V490 gives you a good workaround for machining, which greatly reduces your tool inventory.

If it is a face milling with a small depth of cut or low machine power, the octagonal blade gives you better economy and lower cutting forces.

If you need to mill square shoulders, the square blade is the ideal choice. Among the three blades, the square blade has the largest depth of cut.

If you need face milling with small depth of cut and large feed, light copy milling or spiral interpolation milling, round inserts are your first choice.

Round blades have a better performance when working conditions are poor.

The V490 is flexible for a wide range of machining of steel, stainless steel and cast iron, making it an outstanding performer in the automotive, mold, energy, aerospace, construction machinery, medical, marine, general machinery and heavy machinery industries.

Founded in 1943, Wannet () is one of the largest suppliers of carbide metal cutting tools, with the full range of standard and non-standard tools to provide the most comprehensive technical support and the most flexible processing solutions. . Vannet's extensive design and manufacturing technologies in the areas of turning, grooving, threading, cutting and milling, as well as advanced cutting materials and non-standard tools designed for high productivity have energized the industry. As a partner of global metal cutting customers, Wannet solves complex machining requirements through expertly skilled and customized applications. Headquartered in Madison Heights, Michigan, Wannet provides global services to end users and distributors.

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