"3G" standard divides the board grade to buy furniture without talking about aldehyde discoloration


On December 1, the "Green Sheet Procurement Standards" issued by the Ministry of Commerce officially began to be implemented. It is reported that this is the first domestic standard to regulate green sheet, and it is also the first green sheet standard in China that is in line with international standards.


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"3G" standard divides the plate grade


In the "Code", the green sheet is clearly divided into G1 grade, G2 grade and G3 grade, of which G1 grade is the highest grade, which is produced by aldehyde-free glue, which is called aldehyde-free grade; G2 grade is currently the highest The environmental protection level is called aldehyde level; G3 level is the lowest level of green sheet. The formaldehyde emission of G1 is very low, close to the natural state of wood, the formaldehyde emission of G2 is ≤0.3mg / L, and the formaldehyde emission of G3 is ≤0.5mg / L.


In the future, citizens can distinguish between green and environmentally friendly plates based on whether they have the "3G" logo on their products. Compared with the current national E-level standard, the "Code" has stricter control over formaldehyde emission, as can be seen from the data. The current national E-level is divided into E0, E1, E2 three standards. E0 formaldehyde emission ≤0.5mg / L, E1 formaldehyde emission ≤1.5mg / L, E2 formaldehyde emission ≤5.0mg / L.


It is reported that the board products that comply with the "standards" will be affixed with the green home building materials 3G environmental label, indicating the level of compliance. According to reports, in addition to the products complying with the "Code", the China Green Home Environmental Technology Working Committee will also entrust a third party to review the entire production process of the manufacturer to ensure that it can produce green sheet products with stable quality.


The aldehyde-free grade is not absolutely "zero formaldehyde"


Floors and boards commonly known as "formaldehyde-free" on the market at present, because the wood itself contains trace amounts of formaldehyde, only the use of adhesives without added formaldehyde does not mean that there is no formaldehyde in the product.


It is understood that raw materials such as wood or non-wood plant fibers also release formaldehyde, and the amount of formaldehyde released is different depending on the tree species. Current data shows that the amount of formaldehyde released from wood is about 0.2mg / L. According to the "Green Board Procurement Standards" issued by the Ministry of Commerce, green sheet produced by formaldehyde-free adhesives means that the adhesive used in the manufacturing process of wood-based panels is formaldehyde-free, and the free formaldehyde emission in wood-based panels is not higher than that of wood or non-wood The amount of formaldehyde released by the wood plant fiber raw material, and at the same time, the products that meet this requirement are positioned as the highest level of G1 grade of green sheet. Therefore, in order to distinguish whether the board product is a green board using aldehyde-free adhesives, it is one of the key factors to see which adhesive is used. The aldehyde-free adhesive itself does not add formaldehyde, such as soybean glue, starch glue, MDI currently used in the market Modified adhesives and resin adhesives are aldehyde-free adhesives.


Therefore, there is no guarantee that formaldehyde-free plates are absolutely free of formaldehyde. At the same time, "3G" here only indicates the environmental protection level of the substrate used in the manufacture of furniture products, and the processing process may also produce formaldehyde.


Taking the cabinet as an example, in addition to the base material of the board, it also needs to be processed such as veneer, paint, and edge banding. In these processing processes, it is difficult to say that it will not bring in ingredients containing formaldehyde, so it must be completely "Zero formaldehyde" is almost impossible. In addition to formaldehyde, the pollution sources contained in cabinets will also involve harmful substances such as benzene. During the installation process, it is also possible to use low-priced, low-density skirting boards and multilayer plywood. Therefore, the "3G" label can only be used as an important reference for consumers when purchasing environmentally friendly products, and does not fully represent their environmental protection level.


The superposition effect cannot be ignored


Industry experts said that meeting the standard of a single sample does not mean that the home is environmentally friendly, and the excessive use of too many decorative materials may still cause harm. Many products may comply with national standards if taken out separately, but when household materials and household products are superimposed, the overall indoor air quality may not meet the standards.


In recent years, many people who have just moved into newly renovated houses and working in high-end office buildings have developed headaches, chest tightness, fatigue, irritability, skin allergies and other uncomfortable symptoms. This kind of disease is called "morbid building syndrome" and it produces There are two main reasons: one is that the amount of fresh air in the interior of most buildings in China is insufficient, and the number of air changes is not enough; another important reason is that China currently does not have a corresponding regulation on the loading capacity (bearing rate) of materials used in decoration, and many consumers install them at home. There is no control standard for the amount of plates used in the process.


No need to talk about aldehyde discoloration


For the health of the family, the owners always put environmental protection first when decorating. Recently, furniture under the banner of "zero formaldehyde" has begun to appear in the market. Although it is a lot more expensive than ordinary furniture, it is still favored by the majority of owners.


"While buying wooden furniture , what style and color should be considered, health and environmental protection are the first. Now there are elderly people and children at home, and the various incidents of furniture containing formaldehyde are so fierce. I was really worried when buying." Mr. Citizen Sang said that he was not too clear about the new regulations that had just been implemented. "Since there are new regulations, we should study them. Even if the prices are more expensive, we must buy greener ones." I do n’t trust too much, ”let ’s just talk about the cabinets. I went to the store. Everyone said that they were the top ten brands, environmentally friendly materials, and they all said that their formaldehyde content was definitely carried out in accordance with the most stringent standards. I do n’t know what to do. Who can believe, especially those who advertise themselves as having zero formaldehyde, can they really do it? "


It is understood that the fundamental reason why "zero formaldehyde" furniture can become the selling point of the market comes from consumers' fear of formaldehyde. There are horrible news that formaldehyde can cause cancer and cause leukemia everywhere in life. For such rumors, industry experts said that the hazards mentioned here are caused by excessive formaldehyde. As long as the amount of formaldehyde released in the plate meets national standards, consumers do not have to be too nervous when buying. In fact, "zero formaldehyde" The formulation is unscientific. After the implementation of the new regulations, furniture companies need to be cautious when advertizing "zero formaldehyde". (Editor: Peter)


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