After reading these 22 highlights, you have read the Prime Minister’s work report.

Abstract The two observation groups of the Economic Observer Network opened at 9:00 am on March 5, and the third session of the 12th National People's Congress opened. Premier Li Keqiang made a government work report. What are the highlights of the report? The Economic Observer Online will interpret you one by one. Both anti-corruption and investigation
The Economic Observer Network's two reports were held at 9:00 am on March 5, and the third session of the 12th National People's Congress was opened. Premier Li Keqiang made a government work report. What are the highlights of the report? The Economic Observer Online will interpret you one by one.

Both anti-corruption and prosecution

Original report: There are still insufficient government work, and some policy measures are not in place. A small number of government agencies are acting indiscriminately. Some corruption problems are shocking, some are not official, and they do not seek their own affairs in their own positions. We must face up to the problem, not forget the danger, not forget the chaos, courage to take responsibility, not humiliate the historical mission, and live up to the people's trust.

According to the view: The anti-corruption and high-pressure situation since the 18th National Congress has fundamentally changed China's official land ecology. At the same time that the atmosphere has improved significantly, some governments and officials have failed to act as a result of lax administration. Governing the country to rule the official, to cope with the new situation, urgently need to prescribe the right medicine, under the continuous anti-corruption, promote the efficient operation of the government, and hold officials accountable for "do not be political".

Use the government power "subtraction" to change the market vitality "multiplication"

Original report: Avenue to Jane, the right is not arbitrarily. Governments at all levels must establish a strong promotion mechanism for decentralization, decentralization, and transformation of functions, loosening enterprises, facilitating entrepreneurship, and creating a level playing field. All administrative examination and approval matters must be simplified, clear time limits, and “subtraction” of government power in exchange for “multiplication” of market vitality.

Jing Guan said: Li Keqiang’s determination to promote the decentralization of power is once again undoubted. In the past two years, the government has been doing subtraction, but the voice of "still not enough" has always existed. To fully stimulate the vitality of the market economy, the government has a long way to go. In addition to letting go of things that should not be managed, there are still many things the government should manage. It is necessary to clarify the management of those things and how to manage them. I am afraid there is still a process of construction.

"Right to be irresponsible"

The original report: The local government should completely release and not retain the power that should be given to the market and society. The approval items for decentralization of superiors must be handled and managed well.

According to the view: In the past two years, with the increase in the power of decentralization and decentralization, some localities and departments have shown the situation of “lazy politics” and “defective government”, “can’t be” and “do not dare” and These notions of "do not want to be" still exist. After the economic restructuring and transformation, the assessment of cadres is different from the past. It was originally based on examination and approval, and how to review after the decentralization of power, and how to do it without approval. Generally speaking, this is how the government manages its powers and how to fulfill its government duties.


Original report: The main expected targets for economic and social development this year are: GDP growth of around 7%, consumer prices rose by about 3%, and urban employment increased by more than 10 million.

According to the view: the economic growth target is reduced from 7.5% to 7%, which is a process of fully active slowdown. While the downward tolerance to the economy is improving, the “bottom line thinking” of the economy is more clear, that is, the economy is not expected to appear. Sexual risks also take into account the needs of employment and growth, and leave some room for flexibility. It is normal for the economy to fluctuate around 7%. As long as there is no excessively violent downturn, it should be a "reasonable" growth rate.

"Double engine"

Original report: Focus on maintaining medium-to-high-speed growth and moving towards the mid-to-high-end “double goal”, adhering to the stable policy and promoting the “double combination” of reform and restructuring, creating mass entrepreneurship, innovation and increasing public goods and public services. engine"

Jing Guan said: In 2014, the Prime Minister put forward the "mass entrepreneurship, innovation", all the way to the entrepreneurs and organizations throughout the country, through the simple decentralization and commercial system reform to activate the vitality of these microeconomic entities. At the same time, in accordance with the State Council's plan to increase the supply of public goods, various major projects have been completed that affect the welfare of the people's livelihood and play an important role in the steady growth of the Chinese economy. The launch of the “double engine” in 2015 indicates that the current government is in a balanced choice and promising role in promoting development and benefiting people and people.

Three "lists"

The original report: Formulate a negative list of market access, publish a list of provincial government powers and a list of responsibilities, and effectively implement the law without authorization, and the statutory duties must be.

According to the view, there is a clear relationship between the decentralization of power and the regulation of the power and responsibility of the government. Under the overall plan of deepening reform and comprehensively governing the country according to law, there is a normative problem in accordance with the administration of law. The “power list” is relatively quick to advance. The negative list is firstly done by some foreign-funded enterprises in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, and now other places are also learning. After the Prime Minister’s explicit request this year, the “Responsibility List” will be a key point for both the central ministries and the localities.

Large-scale price change

The original report: Lose the opportunity to speed up the price reform. The direction of reform is to play a decisive role in the allocation of resources in the market, to significantly reduce the types of government pricing and projects, and the prices of goods and services with competitive conditions must be liberalized in principle.

Jing Guan said: This will be China's largest price reform since the price was in 1988. The price reform should be touched or will be the final checkpoint. The core of this round of price reform is to decentralize the pricing power of basic public services, fully implement the residential ladder price system, and at the same time not burden the ordinary people’s lives, and protect the low-income people. basic life. This time, how will it be “stricken”, how the State Council and local governments will deploy, and the public will wait and see.

The government does not sing "one-man show"

Original report: This year's central budget investment increased to 477.6 billion yuan, but the government does not sing "one-man show", it is necessary to stimulate the vitality of private investment and guide social capital to invest in more fields.

Jing Guan said: This year will launch a number of new major projects, while at the same time increase the effective investment of public goods, but the financial resources are limited, how to use the government and social capital cooperation (PPP) model is the key. Promoting PPP in the public goods sector can improve investment efficiency, ease investment pressure, and promote the transformation of government functions. In the past, infrastructure and public services were overwhelming. Now the government has jumped out of this model and selected social capital to provide public services. This is the embodiment of the market's decisive role in resource allocation.

Orderly "mixed change"

Original report: Orderly implement the reform of mixed ownership of state-owned enterprises, encourage and standardize investment projects to introduce non-state-owned capital shares.

According to the view, mixed ownership is not about selling state-owned assets, nor is it simply to reduce the proportion of state-owned assets. For example, a monopoly enterprise involves monopoly interests. Whether it is a pilot of mixed ownership or engaging in employee stock ownership, there is a risk of losing state-owned assets before it breaks the monopoly. Therefore, the monopoly of industrial enterprises into the pilot will be placed a little later. Compared with social capital, private capital and private capital, as well as foreign capital, the preferred partner of central enterprises to do mixed ownership will be social capital.

From "four major plates" to "three support belts"

Original report: Expanding the new space for regional development. Coordinate the implementation of the "four major sectors" and "three support belts" strategic combination. In the western region, a number of major projects including comprehensive transportation, energy, water conservancy, ecology, and people's livelihood will be built, and policies and measures for revitalizing the old industrial bases in the northeast region will be implemented, and the construction of comprehensive transportation hubs and networks in the central region will be accelerated to support the development of the eastern region. We will increase support for young and old in poor areas and improve differentiated regional development policies.

Combine the construction of the “Belt and Road” with regional development and opening up, and strengthen the construction of the fulcrum of the New Asia-Europe Continental Bridge and the land and sea ports. Promote the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and take the lead in making substantial breakthroughs in transportation integration, eco-environmental protection, and industrial upgrading. We will promote the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and start major projects such as the Golden Waterway Governance and the Yangtze River Dock Port, and build a comprehensive three-dimensional channel to build an industrial transfer demonstration zone to guide the industrial transfer from east to west. Strengthen the construction of key development zones in the central and western regions, and deepen regional cooperation such as Pan-Pearl.

According to the view: From the "four major plates" to the "three support belts", China's regional development strategy will be upgraded: on the basis of the traditional "four major sectors" of the East, Central, West and Northeast, "three support belts" will be Promoted to be part of the regional strategic portfolio, the so-called "three support belts", namely, the "One Belt and One Road", the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cooperation area, which also means that China's regional development strategy is further refined and extended from the original The division of the region is mainly based on the development concept of paying more attention to geographical connections and paying more attention to regional balance and multi-point support.

Rule of law government

The original report: adhere to the constitutional administration, administration according to law, and comprehensively incorporate government work into the rule of law. All administrative actions must be based on the law, and no government department can exercise the right to peripheral affairs.

According to the view: As the "annual report" of China's highest administrative organ, although there is little ink on the judicial reform of another branch, the spirit of the rule of law runs through the whole chapter, from "improving the legal aid system" to "incorporating letters and visits into the legal system". "Resolutely destroying rent-seeking space" to "strengthening administrative supervision" are all stressing the construction of a government under the rule of law. In the future, governments at all levels will not only face clean government supervision (reconciliation and chaos), but also face efficiency monitoring (reorganization and inaction). Officials at all levels can not only "power the pressure (the division) law", nor can they engage in "legislative departmentalization and departmental interests" within their own functions and powers.

Stable housing consumption

The original report: Stabilizing housing consumption; adhering to classified guidance, local policy, implementing local government main responsibility, supporting residents' self-occupation and improving housing demand, and promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

Jing Guan said: Once again, it is clear that the current government's regulation and control of the real estate market is classified guidance, local policy, emphasizing the main responsibility of local governments, and there will be no more national control measures. However, compared with 2013, the formulation of “suppressing speculative investment demand” has been removed, and “increasing the supply of small and medium-sized commercial housing and shared housing” has been adjusted to “support residents’ self-occupation and improved housing demand”, while “ Stabilizing housing consumption is one of the six major consumer support.

It is foreseeable that in 2015, all parties, especially financial institutions, will provide support for stable housing consumption needs, which will be the main focus of the policy.

Innovative housing supply

Original report: Housing security gradually implemented physical security and monetary subsidies, and converted some stock houses into public rental housing and resettlement housing.

Jing Guan said: At the end of 2014, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development began to promote the new model of local government repurchasing commercial housing for housing. For the first time in the government report, the current government proposed to convert some stock houses into public rental houses and resettlement houses. The initiative focuses on housing security, while also taking into account the current huge market inventory.

Prudently carry out agricultural land reform pilot

The original text of the report: It is necessary to do a good job in the registration and certification of land rights, and prudently carry out reform pilots such as rural land acquisition, collective management construction land entry, homestead system, and collective property rights system. In the reform, we must ensure that the number of cultivated land does not decrease, the quality does not decline, and the interests of farmers are guaranteed.

According to the commentary: Compared with the short introduction of the “prudent and safe pilot reform of the rural land system” last year, this year’s report clearly stated the specific classification and requirements of the rural land system reform pilot, plus the recent Beijing Daxing District. The pilot reform of 33 rural land systems will be launched, and the new land reform path will gradually become clear in 2015.

The arrival of financial institutions in the era of marketization

Original report: launch of deposit insurance system

Jing Guan said: Following Li Keqiang’s 2014 government work report, “establishing a deposit insurance system”, this system construction made substantial progress in 2014, and it was presented in the form of a public consultation draft, and this year’s “launch” "This means that the era of financial institutions withdrawing from the market is coming, which also provides institutional guarantee for the establishment of private banks and the deepening of interest rate marketization.

Personal overseas investment is more free

Original report: Launching a pilot project for overseas investment by individual investors, and launching the “Shenzhen-Hong Kong Connect” pilot in due course.

Jing Guan said: As an important step in the convertibility of RMB capital projects, the liberalization of personal overseas direct investment has been very cautious. The personal overseas direct investment proposed by Wenzhou in 2011 has also been ignored due to capital outflows; following the “Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect” After the breakthrough, the first pilot project this year means that the opening of the RMB capital project is moving towards the deep water area, which is also in line with the “storage in the people”.

Diversified financing services

The original report: Strengthening the construction of a multi-level capital market system, implementing the reform of the stock issuance registration system, developing a regional equity market for SMEs, promoting the securitization of credit assets, expanding the scale of corporate bond issuance, and developing the financial derivatives market.

According to the view: the formulation of the reform of the stock issuance registration system from the "promotion" of last year to the "implementation" of this year shows the determination and confidence of the government to let the registration system fall this year; the first mention of "regional equity market", " The development of credit asset securitization, corporate bonds and financial derivatives is the voice of the government to “strengthen” the construction of a multi-level capital market system. The use of multi-level capital markets and corporate bonds, vigorously develop direct financing, the use of credit asset securitization, financial derivatives market innovation financing model, so that financing to develop a variety of flowers to promote the development of the real economy. It also highlights the general idea of ​​the government from last year's "deepening financial system reform" to this year's "promoting financial reform around the service of the real economy."

There is no limit for the establishment of private banks

Original report: Promote financial reform around the service of the real economy. Promote qualified private capital to initiate the establishment of financial institutions such as small and medium-sized banks, mature families, and approve one, without quotas.

Jing Guan said: Last year's government work report proposed "steadily advancing the establishment of small and medium-sized banks and other financial institutions by private capital." The CBRC then allowed five private banks to pilot, and this year there is no quota, which means that if private capital is willing to participate in the establishment of private Banks can apply for pilots, and the state-owned monopoly in the financial sector will also accelerate the break. At the same time, this will improve China's financial structure and service levels, and play a role in exploring financial reforms.

Environmental protection and circular economy

Original report: It is necessary to vigorously develop wind power, photovoltaic power generation, biomass energy, actively develop hydropower, safely develop nuclear power, and develop and utilize shale gas and coalbed methane. Actively develop circular economy and vigorously promote the utilization of industrial waste and domestic waste. China's energy-saving and environmental protection market has great potential, and it is necessary to make the energy-saving and environmental protection industry a new pillar industry.

According to the view: In 2014, the two conferences mentioned nuclear power export, investment in energy conservation and environmental protection, etc., but this year, the clean and energy production, circular economy and environmental protection industries will be reflected in the four major hands of China's new energy. We must make the energy conservation and environmental protection industry a new pillar industry. It can be seen that in 2015, the country's determination to strengthen environmental protection and circular economy, and the energy-saving and environmental protection industry as a new economic growth point, let several major new energy strategies support each other and work together.

Grassroots entrepreneurship

The original report: Promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation. This can not only expand employment, increase the income of residents, but also promote the vertical flow of society and fairness and justice.

Jing Guan said: At the beginning of this year, the State Council officially proposed "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", and this government work report once again clarified and reaffirmed this concept. In 2014, the two conferences focused on solving the problem of “employment”. This year, the two conferences focused on releasing the infinite creativity of all the people, making “mass entrepreneurship” a new engine of economic development under the new normal. It is foreseeable in 2015 that the “Chuangchuang Space” and “Chuangke Incubator” related to the mass entrepreneurship will receive strong support from the government and become an important driving force for grassroots entrepreneurship.

Internet +

Original report: Emerging industries and emerging formats are high-level competition. It is necessary to implement high-end equipment, information networks, integrated circuits, new energy, new materials, biomedicine, aero-engines, gas turbines and other major projects, and cultivate a number of emerging industries into leading industries. Formulate an "Internet +" action plan to promote the integration of mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things with modern manufacturing, promote the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial Internet and Internet finance, and guide Internet companies to expand the international market. The state has set up a 40 billion yuan emerging industry venture capital guiding fund, and it is necessary to integrate and raise more funds to fuel industrial innovation.

Jing Guan said: In the government work report of previous years, several strategic emerging industries were clearly put forward, but the terminology at that time was only “cultivation”. In this year's report, “developing a group of emerging industries into leading industries” and formulating the “Internet Plus” action plan is the first time, and the development of mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, and Internet of Things has been promoted. An unprecedented strategic height.

It is foreseeable that with the accelerated development of mobile Internet in the future, new technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and Internet of Things will merge with traditional industries more quickly. The PC Internet era will be upgraded to the era of mobile Internet, Internet technology and traditional industries. The combination will surely usher in a larger space for development.

Six major consumer engines

The original report: Encourage mass consumption and control the “three public” consumption. Promote healthy consumption of pensions, increase information consumption, enhance tourism and leisure consumption, promote green consumption, stabilize housing consumption, and expand education, culture and sports consumption. We will comprehensively promote the integration of the "three networks", speed up the construction of optical fiber networks, greatly increase the speed of broadband networks, develop logistics express delivery, and make the emerging consumption of the Internet as the carrier and online and offline interactions prosperous.

According to the view: In 2014, the contribution rate of China's final consumption to economic growth reached 51.2%, an increase of 3 percentage points over the previous year, and became the main engine for economic growth. The effectiveness of China's economic restructuring has become more apparent. Relying on domestic demand to develop the economy has become China's unshakable transformation and development direction. Among them, pension, information, tourism and leisure, green consumption, housing, education and culture, which are the most closely related areas of people's livelihood, will surely be the most important driving force for consumption growth.

Foreign investment environment optimization

The original report: "More active and effective use of foreign capital. Revise the foreign investment industry guidance catalogue, focus on expanding the service industry and general manufacturing openness, and reduce the foreign investment restriction category by half. Fully implement the universal filing, limited approval management system, and greatly decentralize encouragement The right to approve projects, actively explore the pre-entry national treatment plus negative list management model. Revise the foreign investment related laws, improve the foreign investment supervision system, and create a stable, fair and transparent business environment."

According to the view, the government's attitude of using and attracting foreign investment is still positive, but it is more selective, more regulated, and more fair. Prior to this, the NDRC's newly revised "Guidance Catalogue for Foreign Investment Industries" was considered to be the largest and most open in the previous revisions. Compared with the previous 2011 edition, the list of encouraged categories in the new Catalogue maintains continuity, stability and predictability, with a focus on papermaking, automotive electronics, premium white spirits, subways, e-commerce, finance companies, and chain stores. Foreign investment in service industries such as import and export commodities inspection and general manufacturing. The number of entries has been greatly reduced from 79 to 35. In the case of foreign-invested shares, the number of restrictions requiring “joint venture and cooperation” has been reduced from 43 to 11, and the number of items with “Chinese holding” has been reduced from 44 to 32. . This not only releases the signal of positive openness to the outside world to the market. It will also make the management model of “pre-entry national treatment + negative list” more orderly and targeted, laying a foundation for creating a fairer market environment with consistent domestic and foreign investment supervision.

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