Difference between safety valve and other valves

Safety valves and other valves between the different safety valve is a special equipment (boilers, pressure vessels, pressure pipes, etc.) on a pressure limiting, pressure relief play an important role in security protection annex. The reliability and performance of its action is directly related to the safety of equipment and personal and energy-saving and environmental protection are closely related. However, the safety valve and other valves that can play a similar role can sometimes be confused. Therefore, the following points should be clarified: 1. The safety valve is installed directly on the special equipment and the management and performance of the safety valve should be in accordance with the requirements of the quality and technical supervision department and the special equipment The required requirements. Is a valve by the media before the static pressure-driven automatic pressure relief device. It is characterized by having an open full opening action. For gas or steam occasions. 2, the discharge valve its structure and performance similar to the safety valve, are more than the opening pressure automatically discharge the internal media to ensure the safety of equipment. Discharge valve, also known as relief valve, is a kind of automatic pressure relief device driven by the static pressure before the valve medium. It opens proportionally as pressure increases beyond the opening force. Mainly used for fluid applications. 3, safety relief valve, also known as safety relief valve, is a pressure-driven by the media automatically pressure relief device. Depending on the use of the occasion not only for the safety valve is also suitable as a relief valve. 4, the safety valve discharge is required, the relief valve is no clear requirement. In general, relief valves should be more reliable than relief valves.

Drill Bits

The use of diamond cord core drill bits must be done step by step according to the requirements of the onion, not to be rushed, and the drill tool assembly, deployment, and maintenance must be done well.

The characteristics of rope core drill pipe are "three highs and one low", that is, high drilling speed, long life of diamond bit, high time utilization rate, low labor intensity of workers, so it is widely used in geological prospecting, coal field exploration and other fields. Among the whole set of drilling tools, the most important and most valuable is the drill pipe. The quality of the drill pipe is directly related to the use of the advantages of rope core drilling, and is also vital to the accurate acquisition of geological data and the control of drilling costs.

Drill Bits,Diamond Drill Bit,Surface-Set Diamond Bits,Pcd Drill Bits


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