Fertilization technology for small pepper

The small peppers are too much nitrogen fertilizer at one time, not only the crops can not be absorbed, resulting in waste, and even the phenomenon of “high seedlings” and “burning seedlings”, and the soil salt concentration is too high, which hinders the growth of roots. If the soil is too dry or too much rain, it will cause deciduous, falling flowers and fruit drop due to plant wilting or rooting. In order to improve the yield and quality of small peppers, it is necessary to master the techniques of fertilization and watering in all aspects.
1. Before the cultivated land, 5,000 kg of decomposed farmyard manure, 50 kg of superphosphate, and 20 kg of potassium sulphate are used as the base fertilizer. After ploughing, the hoe is flat and fine, and the ground is made into sputum. It is best to leave 1/3 of the base fertilizer to be applied to the squat under the sputum. After the shallow hoe, the soil is mixed and then smashed.
2. When planting and planting, first dig a small hole of 15-25cm deep on the surface of the shovel, then transplant the soil with soil, fill the fine soil with half a hole, and fill it with water; the next morning, re-water the water once, fill the hole with fine soil. .
3. After planting, it is mainly based on cultivating and maintaining the roots before planting the fruit, which promotes root development and lays a foundation for high yield. 3-4 days after planting, when the ground is whitish, carry out cultivating, but the seedlings should be shallower to prevent the seedlings from loosening. 5-7 days after planting, when the stems and leaves are green and the heart leaves begin to grow, it is a slow seedling. The seedling water should be poured, combined with watering, and a seedling fertilizer should be applied once. 10 kg. When the soil is dry, the soil is kept in a timely manner to carry out a fine cultivating, and then the seedlings are planted for 10-15 days.
4, when the flower is in the flowering period, the water is properly controlled to prevent watering and promote fruit setting. When most of the plants are covered with pepper, the seedlings are finished, the second water is poured, and the water is re-applied with watering. The urea is 20-25 kg per mu or 1000 kg of human excrement, and the ditch is applied darkly. Watering immediately, promoting fruit enlargement. After the pepper is harvested, the third water is poured, and the fertilizer is added in combination with the watering, and the urea per acre is 10-15 kg. After that, depending on the weather, water should be poured every 7-10 days to keep the dough dry.
5. After the fruit-bearing period, the temperature is higher and the evaporation is larger. Generally, the water is poured once every 5-7 days, and the wet surface of the kneading surface is often kept to facilitate the expansion of the fruit. Watering should be carried out in the morning and evening. When it encounters hot rain (sultry weather, it is sunny after the rain), it can be poured once and the water can be cooled down. Small peppers are not resistant to sputum, such as continuous water accumulation in the field, each time more than 4 hours, there will be wilting or even drowning. Therefore, in the rainy season, we must do a good job of drainage and flood control, and do not have any water in the rain stop field. Water should be drained in time.

Huaxian Agricultural Technology Center Liu Xiuling
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