Four major considerations for drought application

The drought weather has brought great impact on China's agricultural development, which led to the rapid decline of agricultural output in China this year. In the face of the dry weather, it also attracted the autumn harvest season. How to apply the medicine at this time can minimize the loss. The pesticide network has compiled four major precautions for drought application. It is hoped that the loss can be minimized. The disease prevention and control of vegetables before harvesting should be strengthened . The autumn after the drought is the pests and diseases of rice, corn, soybean and other field crops before harvest. In the period when it is easy to happen, the pest control work is very important for capturing the harvest of autumn fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to scientifically and rationally fight against insects such as aphids, spotted flies, and diamondback moths that are prone to fall in fruits and vegetables. For example, tomato bacterial medullary necrosis occurs in tomato stalks and damages the pith of tomato. If the spraying measures are used alone, it is difficult to control the development of the disease. However, if spray and irrigation are combined and sprayed under the spray, the liquid is more likely to be transmitted or penetrated into the affected part, and the treatment and prevention effects are significantly improved.
In the autumn after the drought, it is necessary to pay attention to methods and methods for disease prevention. Due to the low air humidity, low-toxic water-soluble organophosphorus pesticides are not easily lost in crops. Therefore, it is recommended that organophosphorus pesticides should not be used to control pests on vegetable crops. If foliar sprays of low-toxic organophosphorus pesticides must be used, the safety interval must be more than 15 days. Other pesticide safety intervals should be extended by 5 days than recommended by the commodity description. The same pesticide should not be used in more than 2 seasons, and the low-toxic organophosphorus pesticides can only be used up to 1 time.
Strict field management and continuous application of pesticides and continuous drought have led to the situation of production in the field. In the process of stepping up the preparation of autumn, we must give priority to the selection of high-efficiency, low-toxic, low-residue pesticides, and carefully read the selected pesticide instructions to improve the efficiency of pesticide use. Guarantee the normal autumn and winter species. It is necessary to combine the autumn and winter species, deep-turn the land for drying, combined with lime, biological or low-toxic pesticide powder to eliminate pests, or use avermectin, pyrethroids and other pesticides for soil treatment. It is also necessary to grasp the spawning cycle of autumn pests, manually remove the egg masses, and reduce the number of pesticides used. Drought is not conducive to the efficacy of herbicides . It is recommended that manual weeding, straw rot treatment, burning is prohibited, and fire hazards are eliminated.
Prepare in advance for the season's pesticides according to the past disaster law. After the drought, it is the replanting and cultivating of crops, such as the cultivation of autumn vegetables such as radish and Chinese cabbage. Due to continuous drought and high temperature, there are many vegetable pests this autumn, and the frequency is high. Therefore, once the drought is lifted, the market for these crops will be better, especially in the autumn, the use of pesticides will increase. The demand for pesticides will be erupted in the early stage, which will result in the peak season of purchase and sale. The sales of pesticides , fungicides and herbicides will usher. peak. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare early and prepare pesticides, such as some commonly used pesticides and fungicides. At the same time, autumn and winter planting, seed coating, soil treatment, pesticide dressing and other measures require a large number of pesticides. For example, pesticides such as seed dressings and seed coatings for winter wheat planting in the north should be prepared early and purchased early for urgent needs. At the same time, the next season's rapeseed production will begin in autumn in September. In view of the current status of drought development in some areas, it is recommended to delay the sowing period and delay the sowing time of live field to the end of high temperature from late September to early October. Prepare the land, preferably use biological pesticides for soil treatment, soak seeds and germination treatments, sow seeds before cooling and raining, 3~5 days after cooling and raining, timely soaking, transplanting, weeding And control the insects.
Actively participate in training to improve the level of prevention and treatment Currently, agricultural technology departments at all levels are propagating new technologies, new pesticides and their use methods to farmers through various means, and organizing short-term training courses of plant protection at different levels and in different forms, such as winter pest control. Before the campaign, the training class fully utilized the blackboard newspaper or propaganda column, special lectures, and video broadcasts to introduce the knowledge of safety science medicine to farmers. Therefore, farmers' friends should actively participate in the training activities organized by the agricultural technology departments at all levels, and let them understand the "four problems" through training - what diseases and insects, when to fight drugs, what drugs to fight, how to fight, in order to effectively improve their scientific drugs Level, reduce crop phytotoxicity and human and animal poisoning incidents caused by improper medication.
Cater to the correct season of application, lay a good job, and have a good harvest in the coming year.

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