Furniture hardware building materials market traps more savvy purchases are not cheated

There are many traps in the furniture hardware building materials market. How to buy smartly and let yourself not be fooled? Take a look at the following major cases, see the move, split one by one ~!

Really fake and difficult to identify brand products become fake?!

It is clearly the same brand of cabinets, wardrobes, why the price is several times different? In this regard, the industry said that the main reason for the price difference is that the counterfeit products enter the market at low prices, brand products are severely impacted, and are at a disadvantage in the market competition.

Three industry insiders said that in fact, some illegal operators did not come to the manufacturers to purchase goods. They often entrusted some local small workshop-style "factory manufacturers" to produce "傍 brand" products. These "factory manufacturers" have no production qualification at all, in order to reduce costs, Inferior cabinets and wardrobes are often produced by cutting corners, shoddy, etc., resulting in a large amount of harmful materials being mixed, which seriously damages consumers' rights and interests.

According to reports, these counterfeit products are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and some even have the same outer packaging. In the case of cabinets, some countertops are branded products, but cabinets are often counterfeit products.

Small series of tricks: When purchasing a product, you should first check whether the merchant has a factory agent certificate; secondly, carefully observe whether the production process is rough. Customized products can also contact the manufacturer to understand the delivery situation and so on.

What should I do if the wall is painted as a "big face"?

In the past few years, Ms. Wang of Longtian Town, Fuqing spent more than 5,600 yuan and purchased 22 barrels of wall paint and primer to decorate the wall. Ms. Wang moved into the new house in less than 10 days, and the wall paint appeared to fall off in a large area. It looked like "the cow dung had a layer of frost." Ms. Wang was anxious to find the owner of the paint shop. The owner said that it was caused by poor painting technology and had nothing to do with the quality of the paint.

According to the investigation and evidence obtained by the local industry and commerce bureau, it was found that 12 barrels of the paint purchased by Ms. Wang had expired from the date of production marked on the surface of the product and the effective use time limit. The owner's distribution of expired deterioration products infringes the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and is also suspected of violating relevant laws and regulations.

Small series of tricks: paint and other products are best to buy in the store, before deciding to buy, you may wish to take a look around, shop around.

Three shady wooden floor sales

At present, the wooden flooring on the market is mainly divided into three categories: solid wood flooring, diamond steel panels and composite flooring. Each type of flooring and styles are many, which makes consumers dazzled when purchasing, which also provides a good opportunity for deceptive consumers to deceive consumers. machine.

"There are three main ways to deceive consumers." Industry insiders say that confusing wood species to increase sales prices is the biggest proportion of selling solid wood flooring. For example, the name of the gorgeous product name, "South American red pear", "African red pear", etc., through such a name to increase the sales price.

Secondly, solid wood flooring is divided into three categories, first-class products and qualified products. The price difference between each grade is 10% to 15%. Bad merchants often shoddy and use qualified products as first-class products to consumers.

In addition, play tricks on the specifications. The floor only measures the area of ​​the panel, and a small number of bad businesses will count the area of ​​the floor.

Small series of tricks: When buying wood flooring and wood, you must see if there is a manufacturer's name, address, certificate, and require the manufacturer to produce environmental certification and quality inspection report, this batch of product testing certificate. When placing an order, the consumer should indicate the species and grade of the product. Check whether the package and the physical specifications and grades are consistent when the goods are picked up.

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Tags: furniture hardware building materials market traps more savvy purchases are not cheated

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