Graphic explanations: Acceptance of hydropower can not be ignored 17 details

When it comes to the acceptance of hydropower projects during the renovation, most of the owners are often unable to start and do not know how to check whether the workers' construction complies with the regulations. If you have encountered such a situation, you may wish to follow Xiao Bian together to see what details the supervisors are paying attention to when they examine the hydropower project.

Ruihe water pipe

1, follow the "horizontal and vertical" principle

The first step in hydropower reform is to see if the laying of pipes and wires is reasonable. If water pipes and wires are not embedded in accordance with the specifications, it is difficult to confirm the location of pre-embedded water pipes when the hydropower reform is completed. In the later stage of construction, nails need to be nailed on the wall surface, and it is possible to accidentally break through the water pipes or wires, causing bursts of water pipes, leakage of electric wires, etc.; and if it is necessary to overhaul, it is difficult to find the location of the water pipe wires. trouble.

Key details: The principle of "horizontal and vertical" should be followed in the laying of hydropower. In addition, the switch sockets in the same room should also be on the same horizontal line. The switch can be 1.4 meters from the ground and the height of the socket and ground should be kept at 30 centimeters.

2. Sewer pipeline needs to be protected

Some construction workers were sloppy and had no protection for the existing sewers during the hydropower reform construction. That is, they did not close the nozzles of toilet drain pipes and sink drain pipes. This can easily lead to the construction materials falling into the sewer pipe to cause blockage.

Key details: According to the construction specifications, the protection of finished products should be completed before the construction of hydropower reforms. Closure of sewers is one of them.

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