High-efficiency flupirtine for crops and methods of use

What is high-efficiency flupirtine

Highly effective flupirtine is a selective herbicide used in a variety of broadleaf crop fields to control a variety of grass weeds. In particular, it has excellent control effects on perennial stubble weeds such as reed, white mullet and Bermudagrass. Highly safe for broadleaf crops. The effect is stable under low temperature conditions.

Which crops are used for high-efficiency flupirtine:

A variety of broadleaf crops. Such as: cotton, soybeans, peanuts, potatoes, canola, oil sunflower, watermelon, hemp, vegetables and so on. Used to control annual and perennial grass weeds. Such as: horse tang, valerian, thousand gold, see Mai Niang, foxtail, goosegrass, bluegrass, wild oats, reeds, white stalk, bermuda root and so on. In particular, it has excellent control effects on perennial stubble weeds such as reed, white mullet and Bermudagrass.

Highly efficient use of flupirtine:

The use of high-efficiency flupirtine is mainly divided from the control object:

1. Control the annual weeds of the grasses, apply the weeds in the 3-5 leaf stage of the weeds, use 10.8% of the high-efficiency flupirtine emulsifiable concentrate 20-30 ml, and water 20-25 kg, evenly spray the weed stems and leaves. When the weather is dry or the weeds are large, the dosage should be increased to 30-40 ml, and the water exchange rate should be increased to 25-30 kg.
2. For the prevention and control of perennial grass weeds such as reed, white mullet and Bermudagrass, the dosage of mu is 10.8% high-efficiency flupirtine emulsifiable concentrate 60-80 ml, water 25-30 kg. The application of the drug once a month after the first administration can achieve the desired control effect.

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