Management tool application contains details

The management tool application contains ten management details and key points, namely:

Management basic analysis: Enterprises should fully understand their internal management foundation and judge the status of management foundation through various means, including system construction, responsibility performance, execution, record and data management, and process management. When considering the application requirements of the tool, the management basic analysis should be the prerequisite for improvement, and it must be the work that must be started each time a single tool is imported. The judgement required for the introduction of a single tool should be clearly defined.

Tool classification rules: In order to effectively promote management improvement, enterprises should classify the management improvement needs of different levels and functions. Different scope management improvement requires different management tools, and enterprises should specify management rules for the tool import process under various scopes. Management rules can be pre-set, or can be formed through project development and tool application processes. The set rules include scope, requirements formulation, and tool application promotion responsibilities.

Demand management: The introduction of specific management tools by enterprises, and the necessary needs research. Accurate requirements are the basis for finding the right approach and choosing the right supplier partner. The research needs include the issues to be solved, the benefits brought about, the scope of the association, the positions/people/systems/processes involved, the need for internal implementation or the use of external forces. The procedures, methods, projects, and reporting requirements for requirements research should be clear.

Resource Analysis: Management tools need to be identified, learned, established, applied, and improved. These links need to involve the necessary resources, including funds, time, hardware and software. Resource analysis, the input required for the introduction of specific management tools into the project, the consumption of process resources, etc. are clearly defined.

Application-based work: Every management tool should be prepared for the introduction of management tools, whether it is facing front-line personnel, individual departments or the entire enterprise. The work to be prepared includes: personnel coordination status investigation, internal promotion of relevant basic knowledge, personnel awareness, especially management awareness, and basic work related to the project such as process, system, training, personnel, data, etc., should be prepared as necessary. And scheduling arrangements.

Project Management: The company develops a complete system management method for various management improvement projects. This includes requirements, project selection, supplier selection, project implementation, process quality/benefit control, project closure, and benefit measurement. In five major stages of start-up, planning, implementation, control, and closing, management and control measures were established in nine aspects: personnel, procurement, scope, communication, quality, cost, time, integration, and risk management.

Application performance evaluation: The enterprise evaluates the results of management application tool introduction, including input and output, goal achievement, performance improvement, employee understanding and execution level. The projects, methods, standards, and requirements for applying performance evaluation are clarified before the project begins.

Tool integration evaluation: The degree of integration of the introduced enterprise management tools, the systems, documents, project tools, standards, etc., with the original document system of the enterprise should be fully evaluated. Identify the new knowledge and solidified experience that is formed and integrate with the corporate mechanism.

Evaluation of curing degree: Each management tool completes the construction process. At the end of the project, stability evaluation should be carried out to determine the management methods, techniques and tools introduced, which can be effectively cured in the daily operation of the enterprise and can be combined with the original management mechanism. Get up and form new and more optimized measures. Evaluation should consider document enforceability and stability (ie, whether it needs to be revised repeatedly), employee understanding and execution, availability of tools and forming tools, and so on.

Continuous improvement of tools: Each management tool is set up, and the tool should be continuously improved to monitor the conditions and determine the new application goals and direction of the process. Enterprise management is always in the process of dynamic improvement, and management tools should consider application and improvement in more aspects.

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Tags: Management Tools Management Fundamentals Application Fundamentals Application Requirements Management Methods

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Medical Industry Mass Flow Meter

Sealand is a professional manufacturer of Medical Mass Flow Meter, Medical Mass Flowmeter, Medical Coriolis Meter, Medical Flow Meter, Medical Flowmeter, ATEX, IECEx & CE approved.

There are 2 optical switches for operation. The SET and SELECT optical switches are used to navigate the transmitter display. To activate an optical switch, move your finger 1~2mm over the optical switch close to the glass.

1. The display will timeout without any operation in 5 min.
2. During numbers input, the decimal point will come up automatically if the first digit is 0; if not 0, please activate SELECT until decimal point shows up.

The general operation is listed as follows.

On Main Interfaces

Activate SET to alternate mass and volume values.

Activate SELECT to alternate main interfaces.

Long activate SELECT to go to Setup Interface.

Long activate SET for total reset.

Back to Main Interface

Long activate SET & SELECT at the same time.

Select Submenu, Parameters & Numbers

Activate SELECT to select the submenu, parameters or numbers.

Activate SET to go to submenu or save parameters/numbers.

Save setup

Long activate SET to save the modified setup.

Back or Exit

Long activate SELECT.

Medical Mass Flow Meter, Medical Mass Flowmeter, Medical Coriolis Meter, Medical Flow Meter, Medical Flowmeter

Zhejiang Sealand Technology Co., Ltd. ,

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