Rectifier triode parameters rectifier triode type

Transistors are also known as semiconductor transistors, bipolar transistors, and transistors, which are semiconductor devices that use current-controlled currents. The main function of the triode is to amplify the weak signal into an electrical signal with a large amplitude, and is also often used in contactless switching. Because the triode uses a very wide range, making the triode model is numerous, then what are the triode parameters ? The following is the specific introduction of rectifier triode parameters and rectifier triodes today. We hope that we can learn about the triode parameters .

Triode advantages

One of the biggest advantages of the rectifier is that it can amplify the current, and this is also the biggest characteristic of the rectifier. When the voltage of the emitter junction is greater than the PN junction, the turn-on voltage, and just at a certain value, the emitter junction of the transistor is Will be biased, there is such a situation, in fact, is the current control current plays a role, making the rectifier triode amplification, current amplification, is for a certain value of rectifier triode, but with the rectifier current changes, will also Change this status at any time.

Rectifier transistor model

In China, there are five parts for the naming of rectification triode models. For example, for example, 3DG130C, in which the first number 3 represents a triode, DG represents a material used in the manufacture of the rectifier triode, 130 is the serial number, and the last part represents the specification number. Basically, the naming of rectification triodes is mostly like this. There are 90 series models such as 9013, 9012, 9015, 9014, 9018, 9011, etc., which are commonly used in the market. Each rectification transistor has a different model, so the rectified frequency and power will be different.


Rectifier transistor parameters

According to my understanding, the parameters of the rectifier triode are related to the storage. The longer the storage time is, the larger the general parameters will be. In the past, people had a defect in the measurement of the parameters of the rectifier triode. People therefore rely on the parameters to select the rectifier triode. So what are the parameters of the rectifier transistor? Current and voltage to specify the use of range; PCM allowed to dissipate power; HFE indicates the current amplification factor; FT eigenfrequency means completely lose current amplification, the operating frequency is greater than the characteristic frequency, then this circuit is not normal; VCEO saturation voltage.

Rectifier transistor selection

The rectifier model and parameters were also mentioned in the previous section. When selecting rectifiers, you can choose according to model and parameters. Know the VCEsat, BVCEO, HFE, VCBO, BVEBO, ft parameters, through the comparison of parameters, find a similar rectifier triode, in the comparison of parameters, if you are not very understanding of the parameters of the rectifier triode, you can query through the network Different rectifiers specifications books. Want to choose the rectifier transistor, Xiao Bian to introduce a mouthful of words: three tripping, looking for the base level; PN junction, fixed tube type; Shun arrow, large deflection; can not measure, moving mouth.


Rectifier triode amplifier circuit composition principle

From the previous knowledge, we know that the biggest advantage of the rectifier triode is its current amplification. How is the current amplification formed? Ensure that under the conditions of current amplification, the emitter junction is biased and the integrated junction is reverse biased, which is the so-called proper bias; the design of the output loop ensures that the current signal after the rectifier current is amplified can be evenly converted. It is in the form of electricity that requires a load, such as output current or output voltage. The design of the output loop should be such that the signal is coupled into the electrodes of the rectifier triode to form a base-level current, thereby generating a rectified triode current control relationship.

Editor's summary: The above is the rectifier triode parameters, the rectifier triode model and the choice of related presentations, hoping to help meet the needs of friends! For more information, please continue to follow our website. Follow-up will present more exciting content!

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