The best performance of explosion-proof

Ex is the symbol of explosion-proof electrical products. ib is an intrinsically safe electrical product that can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2. IIB can be applied to the explosive mixture environment formed by Type IIB gas and air. Explosion-proof grades can be divided into 1 types. (mining), II (factory). Class II is further divided into: IIA, IIB, IIC (Security Level: A
T is the temperature group, T4 means the surface temperature of the equipment does not exceed 135 degrees, and the T6 safety level is the highest, that is, the lower the surface temperature of the equipment, the better.

In a nutshell, this explosion-proof product is an intrinsically safe explosion-proof electrical product that can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 of Type IIB gas and whose surface temperature does not exceed 135 degrees.

Explosion-proof level concept:

Explosion-proof equipment definition: Electrical equipment that does not cause ignition of the surrounding explosive environment under specified conditions.

The explosion hazardous materials in factories or mines are classified and classified according to the igniting energy, the minimum temperature, and the time period of the existence of explosive dangerous gases in the field to determine the explosion-proof signs and explosion-proof forms of on-site explosion-proof equipment.

Plant explosion-proof equipment is mainly divided into explosion-proof and increased safety:

Flameproof electrical equipment (d): An electrical device that encloses a component capable of impregnating a frying mixture in an enclosure that withstands the pressure of the explosive mixture inside and prevents the explosive mixture from exploding with the surrounding explosive mixture.

Increased Safety Electrical Equipment (e): Under normal operating conditions, sparks or dangerous temperatures of point-blown mixtures are not generated, and measures are taken to improve safety in order to avoid ignition under normal and defined overload conditions. Phenomenon of electrical equipment.

Plant explosion protection equipment is mainly used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 of the explosion protection concept:

Zone 1 (Zone 1): Easi gas may occur or exist during the proper working process of the meter; intermittently, there is an area with a risk of 10 to 1000 hours/year;

Zone 2: Under normal circumstances, there is no flammable gas and even if it happens occasionally, its existence time is very short; the dangerous state exists in the area of ​​0.1 to 10 hours/year.

Explosion-proof mark IEC explosion-proof level Standard format: Ex(ia)IICT4

E: Approval by CENELEC mark Ex: Explosion-proof common sign ia: Explosion-proof type (intrinsically safe)

II: Equipment Group C: Gas Group T4: Temperature Group

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