The pre-existence of banking financial security transformation

Starting: From Preventing Financial Computer Crimes to Networking Banking Security System

Before and after 2002, the bank’s computer room implemented internal protection zone safety management. Different security levels are divided into different internal protection zones, such as the core zone, production zone, development zone, maintenance zone, and auxiliary zone. The production zone protection measures are implemented for counter equipment safety, and technical countermeasures that can monitor the whole process of the transaction in real time are set up at important trading counters that cannot set entrance and exit control but have large cash payments. The non-working time computer system must shut down the service to unattended business outlet terminal equipment and set up intrusion alarm and alarm linkage television monitoring measures. These measures have effectively curbed the financial computer crimes that have been rising year by year in 1996.

In accordance with the principles of “practical and reliable, effective and appropriate, economical and technologically advanced” to build, operate and manage the computer room security technical protection project, the security department and the department jointly conduct the safety inspection and acceptance of the computer room technical protection project, and the computer room project acceptance implements the “safety ticket”. Veto system etc. Gradually realize the long-distance transmission of safety monitoring information, establish a reliable platform for defending information networks, improve the overall level of prevention of computer crimes in the computer room, and initially form a digital, computerized, and networked development direction for technological defense projects. "Digitalization" refers to the promotion of the use of digital anti-engineering products (mainly DVRs). "Computerized" means that security precautions should be incorporated into computer programs, and security services must be used to maximize the use of computer software to solve "prevent computer crimes" and " Computer system operation and management "two problems; "networking" refers to the implementation of the technical protection project network in accordance with the bank management system, change the operation mode of the island-style technical protection project, build a network system of safety precautions, strengthen the protection of work management and improve the actual prevention ability. This is the first time that the People's Bank has proposed the development of “networking for technical defense projects.” Its fundamental purpose is to build a networked security protection system.

A large number of financial cases show that in the face of internal personnel crimes, silo-based technology and defense projects can not play a preventive role. In case prevention, video surveillance systems are important and vulnerable. Only by ensuring the normal operation of the technology prevention system can we monitor the internal personnel's behavior and activities so as to play a role in security prevention and prevention of financial computer crimes. It is required to implement the network transformation and three-dimensional management of the bank's technical protection projects. “To prevent financial computer crimes, we must build networks. Security security system." It can be seen that the "networking of technical protection projects" is an urgent security requirement for banks.

Reality: Why hasn't the bank carried out large-scale reconstruction of the technical defense project on a large scale?

In the past decade, banks have invested a huge amount of funds to implement the network transformation of the technical protection projects, which has become an important force for the tremendous development of China's technical defense projects, and has played a leading role in the development of the network of technical prevention projects in China. However, in the face of the wave of high-definition, the bank has always made a cautious assessment of not making decisions, because the bank has not seen the reason for non-high-definition transformation.

The technical protection industry declared that the current technical protection project is in a “visible and invisible” stage. However, bankers believe that video cameras can be set up according to no-blind zones and no-dead-end requirements. Monitors can be arranged in accordance with all-round and full-process requirements. Video surveillance devices can be “visible”. However, because there are few banks on duty, it is impossible to focus on such a large number of video images for a long time and continuously, and then clear images are only passed in a hurry, and the security status of the protection target cannot be judged by real-time images. Only talking about "system equipment can be achieved", does not consider "operators can do", in essence, can not achieve the user's required system goals, which is the key problem of the current technical protection project.

The fundamental role of the bank's technical defense project is to call the police. However, in fact, the system is running more than 95% of its time as a safe state. Massive image information is of no practical value. Only less than 5% of the time may have a safe state (including system equipment failure) that cannot be accurately determined by the system. At this time, the system issues an alarm signal. And display the real-time image of the alarm area, and then require on-duty personnel to carry out timely verification and other alarm disposal, so as to form a credible, reliable and controllable system operation mechanism. Therefore, the key issues at present are: change the system design concept centered on video surveillance, change to alarm signal processing as the leading process, and use intelligent analysis techniques to assist on-duty personnel in determining the safety status of the protection target. Scientifically distinguish “safety” from “no On the premise of the "safety" state, the rational design of the system's man-machine interface and system functions, etc., is an urgent task at hand.

Determine whether the protection target is in a safe time period, perform comprehensive intelligent judgment on intrusion alarm monitoring, video surveillance image/sound, and entrance and exit control data, sense the running status of system equipment, and know the security status of the protection target. If it is safe, report the protection to the system. The goal is “safety”; if unsafe factors (including security emergencies) cannot be confirmed by the system, report the protection target “unsafe” to the system and display “safe/unsafe” judgment results on the electronic map. The design of a credible protection target safety state map (including the system operation state diagram) by the personnel fully reflects the safety status of the unit and the area unit, and the practice of observing the real-time image of the key target is the problem that the bank needs to solve urgently. The author believes that intelligently judging the security status is the current urgent practical requirement of the bank and is the key to improving the effectiveness of project prevention. High-definition technology is a technical issue that needs to be resolved in the process of intelligent application. If high-definition cannot produce effective intellectual functions, that is, banks cannot see the actual effect of high-definition on solving security problems, and they cannot see the relationship of “dependency and interaction” between high-definition and intelligence, and modern banks cannot. "Spend a lot of money" to invest in technology venture capital for high-definition products.

The bank security department also believes that although some units’ technical defense projects are networked by Gudao Unicom, their function is still the function of the technical equipment or the simple construction of the equipment, and there is no system function that can be integrated to implement the bank security system. It does not constitute a real Network technology protection system. The author believes that when it is not clear why the bank is not actively using HD products, is it possible to reverse the thinking of the question: What is the failure of banks to use high-definition products? If you can't clearly state the problem of “does not work,” you need to The status quo and development direction of bank security technical protection projects are studied until the bank is found to be unable to guarantee bank security without high-definition products. This may be due to the fact that banks need intelligent technology and defense, while high-definition is the basis of intelligence and should be intelligently led to high-definition.

Banks need what kind of safety technology to prevent engineering

The reality faced by banks today is that the monitoring center houses a variety of operating keyboards such as intrusion alarms, video surveillance, command intercom, access control, and fire alarms. The attendants continuously observe the real-time images to determine the security status, and they are used by multiple manufacturers. Real-time control operations, but how can watchers operate Japanese video surveillance systems, U.S. intruder alarm systems, and Chinese access control systems at the same time? The security management system with a single defense function can no longer meet the needs of the banks to defend their business, with decentralized management, chaotic functions, and complex backwardness. The security management system cannot be accepted by bank users for a long time. This situation does not meet China's "Safety Precautions Engineering Technical Specifications" (GB50348-2004) standards related requirements, so there has been a bank technical protection project software platform project tender.

In 2008, the bidding of the Agricultural Bank software platform shocked the technical protection engineering industry, indicating the substantive needs of the bank's technical protection projects. In the face of the “1.5 billion yuan technical renovation project network transformation” large list, many technical protection companies immediately went into battle and became an important milestone in the history of bank technical anti-engineering projects. It also shows the difference between banks' security needs and the mentality of technology protection companies, reflecting that the dominant position of equipment suppliers is being replaced by the system integrators' organizational coordination. This is a profound transformation of the underlying industry structure and market position. As a system engineering constructor, a bank is responsible for proposing safety control measures and system functional requirements. As an engineering designer, a system integrator organizes equipment suppliers and coordinates project builders to implement user safety requirements through the overall system technology plan. This is a change in the technical protection industry structure and market leading role that are taking place.

Why did Haikang compete with the project providers for the technical protection software market, which is usually a free gift? After the popularization of general-purpose technology and prevention projects, the objectives of upgrades for technical defense projects such as banks, rail transit, hospitals, and safe cities were all focused on Networkization, specialization, and informationization, the system software control platform will inevitably become the hub of the leading engineering structure, and become the power to grasp the market trend of the technical defense engineering. The industry technical protection engineering software platform development requires professional professional knowledge and talents. Whoever takes this critical step early will become the leading team in the future industry market. I think this may be Hikvision's marketing strategy. When Huasan Corporation promoted its iMOS system, it called out the slogan of Microsoft's Windows----"Technical Engineering System for Preventing Engineering and Technology". Its potential ambition is also evident. Therefore, the system software platform has become the focus of the bank's technical protection project. Solving the bank's practical application problems from the system function level is the breakthrough point for the technology defense industry to open up the banking market.

Preventive effect of combined banking operations flow standard safety control procedures <br> <br> Jifanggongcheng is to train every employee ethics, support high-risk banking sector in real-time traffic safety inspection and supervision. There are various security risks within the bank. However, due to the long-term security, most of the people have lost their vigilance on the situation of the enemy, and individuals have been lured into money by the temptation to become chaotic internal ghosts. The hijacking of hostages for violent robbery cases poses a new security threat to banks. Lack of strong business operations supervision is an important reason for internal crimes. Therefore, the system function of checking and supervising operational risks in conjunction with the business operation process design is an important content for regulating and strengthening banking business conduct and preventing and reducing internal crimes.

Complete and standardized handling of alarm signals should become the dominant process

The alarm signal is the overall performance of various insecurity factors, and the system function should be designed with a complete and standardized handling of alarm signals as the leading process. The use of unit protection depth intercepts the occurrence of delay infringement events, uses the network emergency rescue system to obtain space for handling extreme events, and uses various comprehensive preventive measures to reduce the loss of security incidents. We will comprehensively summarize the various alarm signals that may occur, anticipate all possible infringement methods, anticipate all possible situations, and ensure the reliable implementation of the core functions for reporting to local authorities.

The arbitrary disposal of alarm signals is a fatal flaw in the current video surveillance system. Some video surveillance systems do not design an alarm signal handling control process. On-duty personnel can handle alarm signals at will or even do nothing. The technical protection system must have complete and standard alarms such as “reporting (succeeding)” the police—connecting (receiving) the police—nuclear (opponent) police—dealing (policing) the police—dealing (bunching) the police”. Signal processing flow; When the on-duty personnel do not have the correct or the ability to handle the alarm signal, the system should be able to automatically perceive and reliably complete the alarm function to the local *110 command center. Each alarm signal is classified and disposed, and the alarm disposal is classified into four grades: “post----department—unit--superior agency”, and the local disposal is the main unit. The alarm signals of all business departments shall be handled by the security personnel of the department (including the security department), and the responsible personnel of the submission business department who cannot be handled by the security personnel shall dispose of them; the alarm signals that cannot be handled by the business department shall be submitted to the emergency management center of the unit for disposal; in principle, the majority Alarm signals (including general security incidents) should be resolved within the scope of this unit; emergency events (including social security or criminal cases) that cannot be handled by this unit should be immediately reported to local authorities; only if the unit does not properly dispose of the alarm signal At that time, the alarm signal will be reported step by step to the superior monitoring center for assistance. Complete and regulated alarm signal disposal will also become a key development system function.

Future: Bank Security Technology Prevents the Development of Engineering Informatization

The modern bank security technology prevention project absorbs the actual successful experience of bank units in defending their work and the financial crime cases and major safety accident lessons according to the actual needs of the social security situation and bank security risks, and is based on the national public security law and the current banking system to achieve The protection of target safety such as staff life and cash assets and the continuous and orderly operation of banking business are the fundamental goals. It applies the scientific principles of computer information technology, network communication technology, automatic control technology, biometric identification, and image intelligence analysis to bank safety work. The development of practical, reliable, appropriate and advanced technical prevention systems such as prevention, early-warning and alarming, and policing, and the gradual development of scientific experiments and practical experience has led to the development of a type of systems engineering. Its elemental structure includes: the technical prevention facilities that conform to the national standards are the basis of operation, and the software control platform that complies with the banking business system is the operational mechanism. The system functions reflect the core values ​​of users in a centralized manner, and the operation of personnel conforming to the use specifications is the core content of management. The degree of matching between the function and safety system is the assessment standard.

Taking a look at the course of information technology of bank's technical defense projects, it is divided into three stages: security status monitoring, security business processing and security information management, according to the level of bank user security requirements. Now in the transitional phase of security status monitoring and security business processing, one of its characteristics is that "bank security" is replacing "network monitoring" as the basic goal of the system. Unified names such as "video network monitoring system" should be unified into "bank security technology protection." System Engineering, that is, through the "system engineering" carrier, using "technology prevention" measures to achieve "bank security" goals. The second is to protect the business processing functions to be outstanding, can not stop at the "visible", "see" and other video surveillance subsystem functions, but also should highlight the proportion of security business computer processing in the technical defense project, the modern banking business security control Measures evolved into systemic functions and fully valued the decisive role of the banking security system. The bank security system is the crystallization of the protection of work experience. It is a collection of lessons learned from financial crimes. It embodies the bank's security control requirements and is the core value of users. It should be the soul of technical protection projects. System designers should know that only by implementing the system can we ensure safety. The task of the engineering design center is to implement the bank security system. Pay attention to the objective evaluation of the actual level of networking, the current network of technological defense engineering transformation of a variety of ways, IP technology standards to achieve a wide gap. The network transformation of the bank's technical protection projects should gradually be unified (but not exclusive) in terms of technical solutions and keep pace with the bank's information technology project construction.

Bank technical protection engineering development trend

· The bank security department has become the main player in the leading project construction, highlighting the technical prevention effect of the technical defense project:

· Banking security requirements are the driving force behind the development of technology-based defense engineering. The bank security department should become the management body of the technical protection project. Bank security control measures will become the basic framework of the engineering system functions. Based on the careful assessment of the IP level of the overall network solution, To build a networked three-dimensional defense system for the purpose of promoting the network transformation of large-scale bank-based technical protection projects, and building a bank security protection system project that meets the IP technical standards;

To establish a professional and standardized banking security business computer processing system with the goal of safety informationization;

The essence of security informationization is to implement computer processing to safeguard business operations and management processes in accordance with the provisions of the bank's security control system, and to standardize the bank's security services and emergency handling of emergencies;

Target high-risk banking business security monitoring, real-time display of the entire business record video image;

· Cash management, self-service banking, internet banking and risk management, scientific and technological information and other departments are becoming end users of technical protection projects. Many new banking operations and quality management are expected to be supported by technical protection projects. Bank technical protection projects should be adapted to banks. Security needs of multiple business units

To meet the needs of national emergency management, an emergency reporting system was established.

To implement early warning, monitoring, and reporting on serious natural disasters and possible group emergencies, an emergency reporting system that coordinates and interoperates with local governments is established. Under the guidance of the agency, prepare emergency preparedness plans. Under the leadership of the local government, unified emergency response handling drills.

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