The sales volume of the 2012 furniture market was down by half compared with the same period last year.

The past National Day holiday did not allow the furniture industry to see sales as in previous years. Even in the downturn of the property market last year, the market conditions in the same period have not been so low. At the same time, despite the fact that merchants have adopted large-scale promotions and changes in sales strategies, the market has not improved much. The furniture market is so depressed, what is the crux of it? In the future, how should the furniture industry develop?
Sales volume is halved compared to the same period last year. The furniture industry is also like the season, entering the winter in the ongoing downturn.
Although the relevant statistics show that the "Silver Ten" of the property market this year is full of color, however, for the furniture industry closely related to the property market, it still does not see any signs of recovery. On the morning of November 1, not far from the entrance of Jinan East Asia Furniture Mall, a well-known domestic flooring brand is taking care of the new storefront. Because of the size and agglomeration effect of the furniture market here, the brand has just moved from another mall.
The sales volume of the furniture market is halved compared with the same period of last year. “The big brands should not be greatly affected. After all, my salary level has not decreased; but some small brands or small businesses should be affected by the impact. We were there. That mall is now very depressed, and many brands have chosen to withdraw the cabinet." A staff member told reporters.
In the interview, the reporter learned that the overall sluggishness of the furniture industry has made small business owners in the middle and lower reaches of the industry have been struggling for a long time. And the sparse crowd in the store seems to explain all of this. "Now there is almost no customer in the morning, and you have seen it." A door and window seller told reporters that "compared with last October, sales were less than half, and the price could not be sold. After all, after many discounts. After the promotion, the competition on the price has not made much sense."
How does the market downturn protect itself in the sluggish market, how to protect itself has become a reality that many businesses have to face. Recently, the furniture introduced in Beijing has been replaced by new ones. It seems to the insiders that it is more like a test of the current market environment, and whether it will bring new development opportunities for the furniture industry remains to be seen.
“The very few merchants in the mall have adopted the old-for-new trade, but this is not representative. In reality, for many merchants, it is very difficult to operate.” A surnamed merchant told the reporter, “In the current market environment, for the agency sales. For the business, the days are even more difficult, and it will be better for dealers who have factories."
The reporter learned that in the face of the sluggish market and the relatively high cost of store rent, some merchants adopted the online platform to realize the widening of sales channels early, but from the actual effect, it did not play a fundamental role. The role of sex.
“The sales of individual small furniture products are still ok, and the main face is the young customer group. As for the relatively large furniture, due to the connection of sales, installation and matching, the online sales are not ideal.” Related industries People said, "It can only be said that online sales should be an indispensable link in the future and can account for a certain proportion. But at present, online sales are still in the process of development."

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