The use of herbicides in vegetable fields is particular

In the process of vegetable planting, try to apply herbicides with short residual period. According to different vegetable varieties and growth period, it is better to use chemical herbicides with appropriate duration to reduce pesticide residue pollution and harm to post-salt vegetables. And pay attention to the special sensitivity of chemical herbicides to vegetables, such as cucumber, lettuce to chlorpyrifos, fluridine sensitive; celery, carrots sensitive to dichlorfen; leek, green onions and other liliaceae vegetables and spinach to herbicide ether It is sensitive and sensitive to the fields where the herbicides have been used. It should be avoided to avoid application and contact.

In addition, pay attention to the dosage form. Generally speaking, the vegetable field should avoid using herbicides, suspending agents, smoke agents and tablet type herbicides to prevent direct or indirect phytotoxicity to vegetables.



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