Dealers, stores, manufacturers seem to be three legs, but in fact, the lips and teeth

From the surface, each of the “dealers, stores, and manufacturers” is in their own interest. They clamored each other, accused each other, and even joined forces to "anti-enemy" and "landlords" and isolated the store. For the turbulent furniture industry, the relationship between “dealers, stores, and manufacturers” has been particularly concerned, especially after 2008, when the market share has fallen sharply, this relationship has gradually moved from the heart to the tip of the tongue. For the manufacturers, the news of continuous bankruptcy continues to spread, and most of the manufacturers that have not closed down are struggling, and can only constantly press the market. Especially after the eleventh year of this year, entering the traditional so-called "sales season", all furniture brand manufacturers have launched the last round of offensive in the year, a "pressing goods" campaign is in full swing. For the dealers, the result of waiting for half a year is that the peak season is not prosperous, and the operation of one year is not enough to pay rent. Seeing that the waiting for one year will be put to the east, it will once again point the finger at the store, so “distribution” The three-legged situation of merchants, stores and manufacturers has been out of control.

From the annual data, the total amount of the home market has been increasing, but where is this increase? Think about it, in Y: 12 years in 2008, the furniture store in the country that has risen in the past five years is enough. With more than 5 million square feet, the rapid expansion of the store has prompted customers to divert, which is a key factor that is widely believed to be a single-store decline. And I don't think that all the responsibilities can be counted in the expansion of the store. Let's take a look at the large-scale expansion of the five-year store. What are the manufacturers and dealers doing? In addition to the factory bluffing alliance, chattering complaints, and 5 years As before, manufacturers only open stores, dealers only wait for customers to come to the door... Why are we complaining about others while not thinking about our own competitiveness and keeping pace with industrial development?

From the surface, each of the “dealers, stores, and manufacturers” is self-interested, arguing with each other, blaming each other, and even cooperating with “anti-enemy” to fight against the landlord and isolate the store. In fact, although I call the dealers the “nuclear group.” of the home industry, but the dealer group is only for helplessness to see the wind and the rudder. At present, the dealers in the industry are also independent, and they cannot share the same difficulties with the manufacturers. Not to mention the manufacturers, almost all of them just open the store, how to sell that is the dealer's business. From a business point of view, the three-legged is the best expression of the relationship between the three industries. However, I believe that this situation is the natural fit to promote industrial development. I have previously published an article "When furniture is no longer furniture", expounding the view of the big production pattern. When we look at it from another angle, we may find different industrial relations. From the fundamental thinking of the market, manufacturers must develop dealers in order to develop. The development of dealers depends on the expansion of the store, and the development of the store is inseparable from the intensive cultivation of the manufacturers. From this point of view, the expansion of the store is to broaden the development territory of the dealers, and at the same time extend the service area of ​​the brand manufacturers and shorten the service radius of the brand manufacturers. This is nothing more than an effective channel to promote brand and consumer interaction.

Through analysis, it is not difficult to understand the nature of the relationship between the three sides of the "distributors, stores, manufacturers", "this is the same root, the truth is too urgent!". In the voice of a "landlord", we may wish to meditate. In the future where information technology is leaping and leap, in the future of the consumer market, is it the only way out? What do consumers need? What is the key to brand competitiveness? What is the sign of industrial maturity? Perhaps there is only one answer, that is, “service”. I think that "reduction of rent" is only a superficial work for palliative treatment. How to establish a brand service concentration camp through management, marketing and promotion; dealers fully understand the connotation of agency brands, carry out intimate professional home services, and form a core brand service team; Manufacturers do not open stores for opening stores, but more importantly, establish brand service points, and let dealers feel the charm of your brand together with consumption. Only through the efforts of the three parties to truly realize the mission of "creating a beautiful home lifestyle for mankind" is the common theme of "dealers, stores, manufacturers".

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