The new national standard of mahogany furniture into a paper empty business does not buy

When it comes to mahogany furniture, consumers first think of "prestige". The purchase of mahogany furniture seems to be a symbol of identity. Due to the scarcity and value of mahogany furniture itself, natural mahogany furniture has become the new favorite of collectors. Increasingly, it is precisely because of this economic interest that some unscrupulous people are eyeing this market, using some wood-like wood such as oak and miscellaneous wood to paint some paints to shoddy and deceive consumers. [Noun crack] "Redwood furniture": China's unique products. In practical terms, it is a daily necessities for the family, and it is also a handicraft with a high artistic charm in art. Mahogany furniture is an artistic symbol of Chinese national culture and has profound connotations of Chinese folklore. "Redwood" does not refer to all red wood, nor is it a kind of wood, but is a general term for the domestic custom of mahogany. According to the definition of national standards, its scope is five categories and eight categories. Five genera: red sandalwood, Dalbergia, Diospyros, genus, and Trichoderma. Eight categories: rosewood, black rosewood, red rosewood, fragrant wood, rosewood, ebony, striped ebony and chicken wing wood. The new national standard of mahogany furniture into a paper empty business does not buy accounts precisely because of the unfair competition and sales in the mahogany market, in order to better protect the interests of consumers themselves, to prevent consumers from buying fake goods, resulting in no rights to protect the rights, mahogany furniture "new The national standard came out, it is undoubtedly the weather vane for consumers to buy mahogany furniture. The "new national standard" is the "General Technical Conditions for Redwood Furniture" officially promulgated by the state on August 1 this year. Difficulties: The mahogany furniture is not difficult. Jinzhou citizen Xiao Zhu is ready to marry. He is busy renovating the house. He heard that mahogany furniture has preservation value and decided to buy mahogany furniture. The carved mahogany bed, the carved dragon sofa, including the wardrobe, the dressing mirror, Xiao Zhu set up these furniture for nearly 300,000 yuan. "The bed of this mahogany is more than 20,000 yuan. In fact, I didn't understand it when I bought it. So I bought it at the big shopping mall and listened to the seller." Xiao Zhu pointed to the reporter and said to the reporter. Most consumers buy mahogany furniture in the market according to the seller's introduction. There are very few consumers who really understand the market, not to mention the professional industry standards such as the model and grade of mahogany. Consumers only choose from the appearance of mahogany furniture, only relying on their own feelings and business explanations, but in the majority of mahogany furniture stores, sellers will selectively explain according to the consumer's understanding of mahogany furniture, for Those collectors, they will introduce more detailed, and for consumers who do not understand the market, they simply introduce some information about the origin and specifications of mahogany furniture. For the wood that distinguishes the authenticity of mahogany furniture, sellers rarely introduce it. This has led to the unclear authenticity of mahogany furniture purchased by consumers. However, redwood is not a single tree species, but a general term for a class of wood. The seller simply replaced the specific tree species with a general term, which is actually a kind of deception. So looking at the news, it is not difficult to find that consumers spend high prices to buy mahogany furniture, but turned back and found that they were deceived.

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