Redwood furniture buy: create a new model of brand awareness

As an emerging marketing model, group buying has brought new vitality to the development of the company with its unique charm. It has also brought a new consumer experience to consumers. Now the tentacles of group buying and marketing have extended to various fields. Throughout the domestic home market, many home stores and furniture brands have tried water group purchase marketing, and achieved the purpose of expanding sales, enhancing brand advertising effects, and enhancing brand awareness.
Some time ago, Guangdong Xiangli Craftsman Co., Ltd. (ie Youlian·Home) launched a group purchase activity in the opening day of its factory, giving customers a large discount to participate in group purchases, attracting many customers on the spot. Single order, has been widely acclaimed. Although group buying has not yet become the mainstream marketing model in the mahogany furniture industry, its huge development potential has gradually emerged. Gu Jianfang, director of operations for Youlian, said: “The mahogany furniture market is beginning to develop in a standardized and large-scale manner. If companies want to break through, only marketing can change the market. From a certain perspective, group buying is a good The marketing model not only increases popularity, drives sales, but also helps companies enhance brand awareness."
At present, the sales channels of mahogany furniture enterprises are mostly coexisting in the retail and dealer models, while the level of group purchase marketing mode is low. Many mahogany furniture enterprises are still in the wait-and-see stage and dare not try. In response to this situation, Lin Weihua, CEO of China Classical Furniture Network and Brand Redwood magazine, said: “The group purchase marketing is not mature in the mahogany furniture industry, but the company can use it properly in the sales process. The biggest feature of group purchase is the low price. It can enable enterprises to increase sales in a short period of time and enhance their competitive advantage in the market. At the same time, through flexible group buying activities, enterprises can promote products and establish a good brand image. In the long run, it will greatly enhance brand awareness and influence. For the mahogany furniture enterprises that are striving to break through the marketing channels, group purchase marketing may be an excellent opportunity for mahogany furniture to enter the homes of ordinary people. The sales performance and word-of-mouth effect can not be ignored. .
Lin Ning, CEO of the F group in China's famous group-buying website, once said: The final purchase of group purchases is still products and services. Good products rely on word-of-mouth marketing to achieve good sales. In other words, the selection of products and services is a prerequisite for successful group purchases. Compared with other furniture products, mahogany furniture has become a treasure of the furniture industry with its unique historical and cultural connotations and precious and rare materials. The price is generally high. Group buying is a low-cost marketing model. Not every piece of furniture is suitable. In this regard, Lin Weihua said that the group buying of mahogany furniture is not suitable for collecting high-end furniture. At present, the group buying and marketing on the market is mostly popular and popular. Furniture styles, such as circle chairs, official hat chairs, palace chairs, etc.
In addition to delineating sales of products, effective group buying strategy is also the key to winning group buying and marketing. Taking real estate as an example, in recent years, some developers have adopted group buying mode to sell houses, and have achieved good results. Therefore, many developers have been attracted to follow suit, and there has been a wave of group buying in the real estate industry. When talking about the group buying trend of the real estate industry, Zhuang Zebao, the managing director of Central China Real Estate West China District, once said: "When the market is good, developers are not necessarily willing to wholesale shipments. After all, the price of bulk sales will be lower than that of individual customers. "Also, mahogany furniture companies have this view. When the sales performance is good, the group purchase may not be able to play its role, but when opening new stores, pushing new products or selling weak, off-season, the group buying marketing advantage can be more obvious: take the opportunity to promote and promote the brand awareness. If a company wants to succeed by group purchase, it must also do the work outside the group. For example, if the quality of the product is not guaranteed or the after-sales service is not done well, it may damage the brand image of the mahogany furniture and make it happen.
As the group purchase marketing model becomes more rational and standardized, the driving force of group purchase marketing for the development of mahogany furniture industry cannot be ignored. For mahogany furniture companies that are striving to find breakthroughs in marketing channels, group-buying marketing can become a new model for building brand awareness and help companies become stronger and bigger.


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