The mahogany furniture industry faces three major problems, such as the lack of evaluation system.

As one of the many cultural treasures of Chinese famous people, mahogany traditional craft furniture has been paid more and more attention by more and more people. After experiencing the blind worship of “imported” furniture, the value of traditional craft furniture has gradually returned to people’s horizons. Deng Xuesong, deputy secretary-general of the Traditional Furniture Committee of the China Furniture Association, said in an interview that traditional craft furniture was first introduced into the arts and crafts system in the "China Contemporary Arts and Crafts Biennale" and was exhibited for the industry. It is a good start for outsiders to know and value the cultural and artistic value of antique furniture. However, although the value has gradually been recognized, the mahogany furniture industry has also developed rapidly in recent years. However, in the "rejuvenation" of mahogany furniture, many problems have gradually emerged. With the rapid increase in modernization, there are fewer and fewer carpenters with traditional meanings in many countries. Instead, automated or semi-automated wood processing equipment is used, and various wood products are becoming more and more simple to process. At the same time, there is no established art value evaluation and artistic status certification system for masters in the mahogany furniture industry. There is no corresponding official organization to guide the establishment of high-standard publicity, evaluation institutions and evaluation systems for traditional furniture art. In addition, although this traditional craft furniture was officially incorporated into the arts and crafts system, its corresponding selection of master craftsmen in the mahogany furniture industry has not been promoted simultaneously. The lack of academic design lag design ability is not balanced in the development of the industry. This is mainly manifested in two aspects. On the one hand, the artistic status of mahogany furniture is not equal at home and abroad. In recent years, the price of some mahogany furniture in China has been in the international art collection industry. And the status is rising, but beyond this high value system, the domestic academic research on traditional furniture is relatively lagging behind, and the public's understanding of it still stays at the level of furniture and utensils. On the other hand, it is the imbalance between the development scale of the industry and the development of art design capabilities. Due to changes in the times, the literati class in which ancient society can participate in furniture design and production has disappeared. In our current higher art education, there is no major in traditional furniture design. This is also a serious shortage of design skills in the current mahogany furniture industry. The reason for the talent generation. The lack of skills training and assessment system At present, the wages of workers in the mahogany furniture industry are generally high, and labor costs are high. However, there is no system of skill assessment and training, and no official organization evaluates the skills of workers. Education and training, and the promotion of some of the skilled craftsmen. With the increasing scarcity of various precious mahogany, one of the goals of the in-depth development of the mahogany furniture industry is to make more furniture art products to be passed on. To achieve this goal, it is necessary for the people in the industry to improve their own The level of production and the development route of “excellent quality” also require the government to pay attention to and guide the construction of the corresponding furniture art evaluation system. It is also necessary for the public to improve the understanding and understanding of the artistic value of traditional furniture in order to revitalize and modernize traditional furniture. culture.

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